Sometimes you might prefer to pay your bill in person so that you can speak with someone face-to-face or utilize a wider range of payment options. You can use cash, checks, or money orders to make payments at the majority of in-person payment locations. Even ATM cards, credit cards, debit cards, and savings account payments are accepted in some places. Although CenturyLink does not have any physical locations where customers can pay their bills, we do collaborate with CheckFreePay and Western Union representatives in many of our cities, allowing customers to work with those representatives to make in-person payments. To locate a location close to you, click on the buttons below. To make sure the place is still accepting payments at that time and to find out which forms of payment they accept, you might want to call before going there.
Tip: Bring along your CenturyLink bill. It will expedite the payment process for you because it has your account information.
There are alternatives to driving somewhere to pay your bill if you don’t have the time.
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Checkout our official centurylink address to links below:
Ways to Pay Your Bill – CenturyLink
Sign in to Control Center or My CenturyLink , where you can view and pay your bill online , review the details of your services, and change your payment and …
CenturyLink payment options
Sign in to My CenturyLink Manage your account preferences and billing information online .
How do I pay my CenturyLink bill by mail?
A billing address is the address associated with a particular payment method, most often a credit or debit card. Businesses use the billing address to confirm that a card’s use is authorized. Additionally, businesses use it to send paper bills and bank statements.
What is the payment address?
Call 800-786-6272 and follow the on-screen instructions to pay your bill by phone. You can use the automated system or ask an agent to process your payment while you’re on the phone. The automated system is free and available any time. There is a $3 fee if you want an agent to handle your payment. 50 convenience fee.
How do I make a payment to CenturyLink?
How to set up bill payCollect your bills, account numbers, and mailing addresses before you begin. Fill out each biller’s details on your bank’s online bill payment system. Choose when to send the payment. Select a recurring or one-time payment. Set reminders to track when each bill is due.
Set location by ZIP Code
Sometimes you might prefer to pay your bill in person so that you can speak with someone face-to-face or utilize a wider range of payment options. You can use cash, checks, or money orders to make payments at the majority of in-person payment locations. Even ATM cards, credit cards, debit cards, and savings account payments are accepted in some places. Although CenturyLink does not have any physical locations where customers can pay their bills, we do collaborate with CheckFreePay and Western Union representatives in many of our cities, allowing customers to work with those representatives to make in-person payments. To locate a location close to you, click on the buttons below. To make sure the place is still accepting payments at that time and to find out which forms of payment they accept, you might want to call before going there.
Tip: Bring along your CenturyLink bill. It will expedite the payment process for you because it has your account information.
Please stop by one of our payment partners to make a cash payment for your bill:
Changes may be made to bill payment locations, contact details, operating hours, and products.
There are alternatives to driving somewhere to pay your bill if you don’t have the time.
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Make one-time bill payments online. No sign-in required.
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