You have a variety of options for paying Straight Talk bills. The payment can be made online or offline. On your Straight Talk phone, simply open the browser and click “Refill My Account.” You can continue to use The Straight Talk Website or call the customer service line at 1 to refill your My Account if your phone lacks a “Prepaid” menu or the “Refill My Account” option.
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Checkout our official pay straight talk bill with checking account links below:
Login Page – Straight Talk Wireless
Create an account . LOGIN. EMAIL & PW. Phone #, Email, Serial or SIM #. Password*. Remember me. Learn More. Continue. CREATE ACCOUNT . E-Mail Address*.
Purchase – Straight Talk Wireless
Self-Service Tools. Available 24/7. Check your balance, refill or manage plans and phones with our 611611 text feature.
How do I pay my Straight Talk account?
You must reactivate your service within 30 days of your service end date if you want to keep your phone number. You can refill your account by going to http://www. straighttalk. com/Refill or by calling our Customer Care Center at 1-877-430-2355.
How do I pay someone else’s Straight Talk bill?
You can purchase and add a Service Card for someone else to add Minutes, Messages, and Data to their Straight Talk phone. The Service Card must be added online at www. straighttalk. by visiting or by calling our Customer Care Center at 1-877-430-CELL (2355).
How can I get a free month of service with Straight Talk?
GET A FREE SERVICE PLAN | Straight Talk. You can earn 5,000 Rewards Points by bringing a friend to Straight Talk for a brief period of time. 5,000 Points = a FREE service plan!.
Can I pay my Straight Talk bill with a debit card?
You can buy a service plan or refill your service using a credit card or a debit card. To have your Straight Talk service automatically renewed on your Service End Date, you can also sign up for Auto-Refill using a credit card or debit card.
How To Pay Straight Talk Bill
Straight talk payments can be made via the following channels/modes: