Tamaqua Borough Bill Pay

tamaqua borough bill pay

The Tamaqua Borough is happy to provide services for more than 7,000 people. We welcome businesses and visitors to our community.

Contact us at 570-668-0300 or info@tamaquaborough. com. Office hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Stay informed: Utilize the “Notify Me” tab to register for critical text or phone call updates.

The Boroughs CAC (Citizens Advisory Committee) may be able to assist if you are unable to obtain a loan for necessary sidewalk or home repairs. For the Sidewalk Repair Loan Program info, click here. Ask about the Home Rehabilitation Loan Program as well. Both programs can end without notice.

Info: FAQs click here. An annual report is required to be submitted by June 15th if your company is situated in the CRIZ. To file, you or your tax preparer can access the following website: https://www etides. state. pa. us.

Reminder about recycling for Wednesday collection: Include cardboard with your recycling. It is not to be put out for trash collection. It is single-stream recycling.

We encourage you to email info@tamaquaborough right away to report a pothole, broken street light, or other issue. com.

We need a form to be filled out and submitted for Code Enforcement issues. Please download and print the following form: Code Complaint Form.

Forms can be mailed to 320 E. Broad St.; Tamaqua, PA 18252 or dropped off in the mail slot at our front door.

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Checkout our official tamaqua borough links below:

Tamaqua Borough


Call 570.668.0300 for online payment assistance. Payments are NOT accepted over the phone. Online or in person payments are the only ways to make your payment .

Tamaqua Borough launches new utility billing system


Nov 8, 2016 — Bills can then be paid by cash, check, money order, or credit card at the Municipal Building from 8 AM to 4 PM, paid by mail, or left in an …

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