Paying your bills on time is an essential part of managing your finances, but sometimes it’s not convenient to pay online or by mail. If you’re looking to pay your Frontier bill in person, you’ll be glad to know that you have plenty of options. In this guide, we’ll show you how to find an authorized location near you and what you need to bring to make your payment.
Using CheckFreePay to Find an Authorized Location
CheckFreePay is a payment center locator that provides convenient options for paying your bills in person. It’s easy to use and will help you find the nearest location to pay your Frontier bill.
To use CheckFreePay, simply visit the website at and enter your street address or zip code along with the name of the company you would like to pay. This will return a list of locations nearest to you. Additionally, CheckFreePay also provides the following filters to narrow your search further:
- Location Types
- Ways To Pay
- Currently Open Locations
Once you complete your search, you can interact with the map and select a pin to see additional details such as the address, directions, and what you need to bring to pay your bill.
It’s important to note that a $1.50 fee applies when paying in person. You can make payments by cash, check or money order, and payments are posted to your account the next business day.
About CheckFreePay
CheckFreePay is the largest processor of walk-in bill payments in the United States, processing 63 million transactions in 2021. It has been providing reliable bill payment services for more than 30 years. As a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fiserv, Inc. CheckFreePay offers over 30,000 bill-pay locations where people already shop, providing safe and secure payment services for those who prefer to pay in person.
Paying your Frontier bill in person is a convenient and easy option. With CheckFreePay, you can find an authorized location near you, and get all the information you need to make your payment. Remember, payments are posted to your account the next business day, so you don’t have to worry about late fees or penalties. You can use the service with confidence knowing that you’re using a trusted provider with a long history of satisfied customers.