Find out how you can lower the rate on your auto loan by speaking with one of our loan officers. You can get a discount by setting up auto-pay through a Strata CU checking account.
You will be directed to one of our partner websites by the link you clicked. We don’t control the content of our partner sites. Please review their privacy policy because it might be different from ours. We hope that Strata Credit Union provided you with the details you were looking for.
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Payment – Strata Credit Union
Using debit card for your Strata Pay transaction?* Fees will be added. If members choose to enter a card number, then they will be charged $10 for a one-time …
Would you like NO FEES on your Strata Pay transaction?
There will be NO FEE if members use a bank account for their Strata Pay transaction (rather than entering a debit card number), whether it is a one-time or recurring transaction.
Using debit card for your Strata Pay transaction?*
Members will be charged $10 for a single transaction and $3 for each time they authorize a recurring entry if they choose to enter their card information.
Find out how you can lower the rate on your auto loan by speaking with one of our loan officers. You can get a discount by setting up auto-pay through a Strata CU checking account.
You will be directed to one of our partner websites by the link you clicked. We don’t control the content of our partner sites. Please review their privacy policy because it might be different from ours. We hope that Strata Credit Union provided you with the details you were looking for.